About 4MyPasswords.com!
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We've always wanted an online application that would allow us to securely store our passwords.
For years we've used various utilities, including Genius (a Windows PC application written by Coda Hale) to store passwords and have found them invaluable. Coda stopped enhancing the product several years ago, but it has nevertheless continued to serve us well. However, Genius doesn't work well with multiple computers... if you forget to update the password.dat file from one computer to another, things are out-of-date or lost altogether.
A web application would be a great way to implement this, we thought, but putting up a database-backed application was a little too much: we've used Perl and Visual Basic for years, but the frameworks that were developed there always required too much work to get started.
And then along came Ruby on Rails... we figured this would be a good way to learn RoR and do something useful: this web application is the result. We followed basic Agile principles in developing this site, so you won't yet see a lot of spit & polish yet: but the basic functionality that we wanted is there and we are using the site ourselves now.
This is an example of your information on display (only the 3 secured fields are displayed):

This is that same information encrypted in the database:

- We will not use, sell, or give away your information.
- We will not use, sell, or give away aggregated information from this site.
- We will use your email address only for communication with you about this site.
- We will do our best to keep the information on this site secure and free from unauthorized access.
You'll need a user id and password to use this site. Make the password as secure as possible (minimum of 5 characters; use any character you want such as numbers, letters, special characters). To use the site, do the following:
- Click on "Signup" and fill-in the form with your information. You will get a confirmation email once this is complete.
- Once you've signed up, you can click on "Login" to access your account.
- Click on the "Create New" link to add a new entry. There are fields with an assumed name, but you can use any field for whatever you want.
- The "Type" ("Entry Type") field allows you to select different kinds of information that you might want to keep secure.
- The three fields "User ID", "Password", and "URL" are encrypted when stored in the database, for added security.
- Each user has their data uniquely encrypted... your account password is one element of the encryption, so that only you can retrieve your data.
- You can edit/delete entries, simply by clicking on the "Edit" or "Delete" links to the right of each entry.
- Use the "Feedback" page to send us comments, suggestions, bug reports.
- Enjoy!
Of course, if you are an insurance provider and wish to offer us coverage at a reasonable price, we'd be glad to offer appropriate warranties.
Our thanks to the following folks for their help:
- The Ruby on Rails community - thanks for a great framework!
- Richard White and AjaxScaffold - a great UI for maintaing Rails data.
- Pelle Braengaard and EzCrypto - easy to use and secure crypto library.
- RailsPlayground - affordable and very supportive Rails hosting.
- Minimalistic Designs - for their CSS-based web template.
- Our families - for their enduring patience and support.
Secure Password Storage
A secure place for passwords and other sensitive information. Use it for your passwords, serial numbers, registration numbers, and any other piece of information that you want to keep secure and easy to get to.
Think of us as your online lock-box!
Secure By Design
Version :
R.I.P Kenneth M. White, 3/6/2009
Great friend & partner; gone but never forgotten!
Terms of Service
We use firewalls, encryption technologies, and authentication procedures, among others, to maintain the security of your online session and to protect us from unauthorized access.Privacy
Our privacy policy is simple and straightforward:- We will not use, sell, or give away your information.
- We will not use, sell, or give away aggregated information from this site.
- We will use your email address only for communication with you about this site.
- We will do our best to keep this site secure and free from unauthorized access.
Javascript & Cookies
We use Javascript and may place cookies on your PC for purposes of security, site navigation, and to personalize your experience with our site. Our cookies do not identify you by using any personal information and are not used to collect information about you.Termination
You may choose to terminate your account at any time by logging in sending us a request via the feedback page. All of your information will be deleted immediately upon receipt of your request. We have the right to terminate your account with this service at any time and for any reason. If you are abusing the service, then you're history. If your subscription for services expires, you do not respond to our emails, or if your email account is invalid, we have no choice to to end service to your account. Please keep your email address up-to-date.Disclaimer
Although we do our very best to keep this site and all of its contents secure, be aware that you use this site at your own risk. We make no warranties of any kind.Contact Us
Please go to the feedback page to contact us. Your suggestions are always welcome.Copyright © 2008 smartPAY, LLC (Version 1.0, 4/15/2008)